
Author: Nobu Toge
Category: Utilities
Shared by: that-ben
On: 2019-01-29 13:33:15
Updated by: MR
On: 2021-11-12 14:40:44
Other contributors: EkriirkE
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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  • Main interface 

What is Flash-It?

FlashIt is a screen capture utility for System 6 and 7.

It can output the screen capture to clipboard, scrapbook, file or printer.


Download Flash-It for Mac

(75.04 KiB / 76.85 KB)
Flash-It v3.0.2 (1993) / compressed w/ Stuffit
13 / 2019-01-29 / 2020-04-06 / 6161e453a7fb25f8152450db2eed2d5c2b526c51 / /
(20.87 KiB / 21.37 KB)
Flash-It v2.2 (1991) / compressed w/ Stuffit
3 / 2020-04-06 / d20776a1d0706eede7f40cccadecab1cca752932 / /
(18.02 KiB / 18.45 KB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
2 / 2021-11-12 / 92ea2f92d0aa7b57750df8d87d6fe884e31c824c / /


Motorola 68K

Compatibility notes

Architecture: 68K (Mac Plus or newer)

Mac OS 6.0.3 - Mac OS 7.x

Note: This is a control panel.  To install it, drop it in the System Folder > Control Panels and reboot your Mac.  Holding down the mouse button during boot will disable this control panel, might be useful if you experience crashes.


Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II

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