Mac OS 9.x

Author: Apple
Publisher: Apple
Type: System
Shared by: MR
On: 2015-09-26 22:43:43
Updated by: Amid
On: 2024-01-05 15:54:30
Other contributors: that-ben
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (2 votes)
Rate it: 12345678910

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  • Mac OS 9.1 Retail CD 
  • Mac OS 9.2.1 Retail CD 

What is Mac OS 9.x?

See also: Mac OS 9 updaters

Download Mac OS 9.x for Mac

(456.45 MiB / 478.62 MB)
/ Toast image, zipped
153 / 2015-09-26 / 2023-08-16 / a2f1241c6d77e8be1dfc49c123cc75c0e708faee / /
(393.05 MiB / 412.14 MB)
/ Toast image, zipped
315 / 2015-09-26 / 2023-08-16 / e14002905a95424767d343c96afe949553855b53 / /
(430.01 MiB / 450.9 MB)
Mac OS 9.1 Retail CD (US English) / Toast image, zipped
125 / 2015-09-26 / 2023-08-16 / 519e5bb1a48a4a4b75984dde5c723a981d6df254 / 693-2581 / /
(448.52 MiB / 470.3 MB)
/ Toast image, zipped
192 / 2015-09-26 / 2023-08-16 / db4a8994af763d32377a2673f48a9fc85f1f4912 / /
(430.82 MiB / 451.75 MB)
Mac OS 9.2 Install CD for Power Mac G4 (QuickSilver) / Toast image, zipped
76 / 2015-10-05 / 2023-08-16 / 199dfbce611a57e359c48c22c2ac0596d2bb3021 / /
(216.05 MiB / 226.55 MB)
Mac OS 9.2.2 Restore CD for Macintosh Server G4 (QuickSilver 2002 EDU) with AppleShare 6.3.3 v1.3 / Toast image, zipped
15 / 2015-10-05 / 2023-08-16 / 56e75a5d71bd42157a73f09500596008f2ca144c / /
(445.59 MiB / 467.23 MB)
Mac OS 9.1 Install CD for iMac (Early 2001) / Toast image, zipped
20 / 2015-09-26 / 2023-08-16 / b7be8ee95868b8216c958075d038a7fc30af8fd4 / /
(131.71 KiB / 134.87 KB)
40 / 2023-08-16 / 4e19f6c6cc0d226d3cfbd1eed448647c796c0c4d / /



System Requirements

From Mac OS 9.0 up to Mac OS 9.2

Compatibility notes

Architecture: PPC


Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU

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