Boite collector de MYST et RIVEN en français

Author: Brøderbund
Type: Games
Category: Adventure , Point & Click
Shared by: MemMacfr
On: 2018-12-03 15:06:03
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-06-08 19:43:16
Other contributors: that-ben
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (1 vote)
Rate it: 12345678910

(There's no video for Boite collector de MYST et RIVEN en français yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)


What is Boite collector de MYST et RIVEN en français?

la boite collector de MYST 1 et RIVEN 1 plus le making of RIVEN ( vidéo )

the collector box of MYST 1 and RIVEN 1 plus the making of RIVEN (video)


pour les fichier Zip le mot de passe est:

Macintosh Repository

Download Boite collector de MYST et RIVEN en français for Mac

(13.06 MiB / 13.69 MB)
Scan des CD et Boitier de MYST / Zipped
27 / 2018-12-03 / fe79a39f1b508c2c22d9ded79409349ef123f8c4 / /
(533.86 MiB / 559.79 MB)
MYST / Zipped
83 / 2018-12-13 / 2018-12-14 / fd1e3536f24b5d66426149eca2293dc80708f4db / /
(132.73 MiB / 139.18 MB)
Making of RIVEN / ISO (+ BIN/CUE) CD image / Zipped
17 / 2018-12-14 / 21098da79753c8f6249078ca2f6508f4d3c4d780 / /
(569.68 MiB / 597.36 MB)
RIVEN CD 1 / Zipped
28 / 2018-12-14 / c9fb1ef3e87c1b7aadff553392a8752929db9b72 / /
(631.09 MiB / 661.74 MB)
RIVEN CD 2 / Zipped
28 / 2018-12-14 / 10d618365eb424f204475dcecc7ca02cc22a1696 / /
(635.97 MiB / 666.87 MB)
RIVEN CD 3 / Zipped
28 / 2018-12-15 / 5fd4fd437b6f8a15815a3e036c60956c50201358 / /
(524.09 MiB / 549.55 MB)
RIVEN CD 4 / Zipped
25 / 2018-12-15 / 2018-12-15 / 99827237046d249dea1440b71272b16e25bcfb59 / /
(633.8 MiB / 664.59 MB)
RIVEN CD 5 / Zipped
26 / 2018-12-15 / 6795ffd4097936df5d2acbcc6dbc2c44e9705b78 / /
(140.73 MiB / 147.56 MB)
RIVEN Original Scan / Zipped
15 / 2018-12-13 / 60b0ead4448b91f404e8f57a1af9087f3d5aaf5d / /


68K + PPC (FAT)

System Requirements

From Mac OS 7.5 up to Mac OS 9.2

Compatibility notes

il fonctionne bien sur un mac PowerPC de 100Mhz pour riven,

pour MYST un os 7.5 de minimum est  requis je pence, mais il préconise un os 7


it works well on a PowerPC Mac 100Mhz for riven,

for MYST a bone 7.5 of minimum is required I pence, but it advocates a bone 7


Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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