
Author: Mike Caputo
Type: System
Category: Utilities
Shared by: that-ben
On: 2018-11-01 09:35:16
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(There's no video for PowerStrip yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)

  • No battery installed error dialog 

What is PowerStrip?

"PowerStrip" tracks the elapsed time of battery and AC-charging sessions.  When tracking the battery session, the counter is NOT incremented during sleep states.  When tracking AC charging sessions,  it DOES increment during sleep states.  Neither counter increments during powered off states.

It also displays available space on your hard drive, available RAM, the speed of the CPU, the on/off state of AppleTalk, and on/off state of the internal modem, if any.

"PowerStrip" does it's best to save settings between sessions.  It saves fontsize, style, and family, and if it exits in one state and starts up in the same state (exit on battery and start up on battery), it picks up where it left off. (It assumes you've rebooted.)

You can get REMARKABLE battery session durations by plugging in the charger while the Powerbook is asleep, and unplugging it before it wakes up.  Get it?  It won't know that it's been jacked in, so it won't reset the counter.   Best thing to do is to change the connection state while the machine is "awake", or use the menu command "count zero" to decrement the counter to zero.  (Thanks to William G. for that one.)

The best way to use it is to drop it or an alias of it into the Startup Items folder in your System Folder.  That way you won't forget to start it up.


Download PowerStrip for Mac

(26.98 KiB / 27.63 KB)
PowerStrip 2.0 (or 1.8?) / compressed w/ Stuffit
21 / 2018-11-01 / 9fce2f899633f958c71560a1ee123a385ef53580 / /


Motorola 68K

System Requirements

From Mac OS 7.0

Compatibility notes

Architecture: 68K

Mac OS 7.x

A PowerBook or a Portable Macintosh that has a battery.


Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II

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