Apple Media Part Numbers (aka Andreas' Apple PN list)

Type: Misc
Shared by: SemValidade2016
On: 2018-09-03 12:55:54
Updated by: that-ben
On: 2018-11-22 11:03:25
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (2 votes)
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(There's no video for Apple Media Part Numbers (aka Andreas' Apple PN list) yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)


What is Apple Media Part Numbers (aka Andreas' Apple PN list)?

This file contains a list of all Apple medias Andreas managed to find and rip.  Apple product numbers, year of release and brief description of which machine the software runs on along with paired media numbers are shown on each line.

This file is updated when new medias are identified and captured.


Download Apple Media Part Numbers (aka Andreas' Apple PN list)

(123.64 KiB / 126.61 KB)
Apple PN list (November 22nd, 2018) / TEXT file
55 / 2018-11-22 / e25e4d7b790fbe06105f2fde36f3eedc558dc2a8 / /
(123.43 KiB / 126.39 KB)
Apple PN list (November 14th, 2018) / TEXT file
3 / 2018-11-17 / 13bcd246abda19221ffded6d29ff7517c53adbfc / /
(120.06 KiB / 122.94 KB)
Apple PN list (November 12th, 2018) / TEXT file
4 / 2018-11-13 / 38051d61cdb5d53c2190e6fe6abe6da230cb2727 / /
(119.96 KiB / 122.84 KB)
Apple PN list (November 3rd, 2018) / TEXT file
10 / 2018-11-03 / 4a90e29d68c8d619f3b7f948420e83987e00e048 / /
(119.29 KiB / 122.15 KB)
Apple PN list (September 3rd, 2018) / TEXT file
12 / 2018-09-03 / 2018-11-03 / 49b931798410fbc475727b26eea2e87d9482da0c / /

Compatibility notes

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