691-4714-A,2Z,iLife 04 v4.0. iTunes 4.2,iPhoto 4, iMovie 4,iDVD 4,GarageBand. Install Disc 2004 (DVD)

Author: Apple
Type: System
Shared by: SemValidade2016
On: 2018-08-28 18:29:45
Updated by: Amid
On: 2024-01-07 14:59:03
Other contributors: flesklepp , that-ben
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (2 votes)
Rate it: 12345678910

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(647 MiB / 678.42 MB)
/ Toast image
856 / 2018-08-28 / 771e43a0f710636fce22d47738601d41fd9b074c / 691-4712-A / /
(169.75 KiB / 173.82 KB)
Directory listing of the disk image. -Not required-
35 / 2018-08-28 / 35ed5a170f54499e0388b42f571a9b92d2518089 / /
(3650 MiB / 3827.3 MB)
/ Toast image
173 / 2018-08-28 / 2024-01-07 / ceb86f174b651b0ed9c7773b832cd232e812a815 / 691-4714-A / /
(239.82 KiB / 245.58 KB)
Directory listing of the disk image. -Not required-
119 / 2018-08-28 / 2024-01-07 / 36c69408906bc86dedc6c45c200e157a3239ef9f / /



System Requirements

From Mac OS 10.2 up to Mac OS 10.5

Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU

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