
Author: Jae Ho Chang
Publisher: Jae Ho Chang
Category: Synthesizer
Shared by: Metrophage
On: 2018-08-26 01:39:49
Updated by: that-ben
On: 2018-10-30 12:12:55
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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What is Xenak?

Xenak is an implementation of Dynamic Stochastic Synthesis developed by Iannis Xenakis. This implementation has only “barrier” control. The user cannot choose distribution functions for random walks of the algorithm.

Run Sound
Turn this on to hear the sound.

Run Wave Example
Turn this on to show how the generated wave looks like. This, however, is not the wave that you hear when ‘Run Sound’ is on, but just a visual example.

Random Barriers
If this is on, the barriers randomly walk.

Barrier Control Area
There are four barriers you can control. Top horizontal line is the top amplitude barrier, bottom horizontal line is the bottom amplitude barrier, left vertical line is minimum time (between endpoints) barrier, and right vertical line is maximum time barrier. Note that the minimal time determines the maximal frequency, and the maximal time determines the minimal frequency. When ‘Random Barriers’ is on, this control has no effect.

Min Freq & Max Freq
These determines the range of the time barriers (two vertical lines). ‘Min Freq’ determines the maximal value of the maximal time barrier (right one), and ‘Max Freq’ determines the minimal value of the minimal time barrier (left one).

Download Xenak for Mac

(67.74 KiB / 69.37 KB)
Xenak 0.5 / compressed w/ Stuffit
47 / 2018-08-26 / 8e58efa00fb48f0a05f8be532b61fb62cea5ae0f / /



Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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