Earthtia Saga: Larthur's Legend (アースティアサーガ ラーサーレジェンド)
What is Earthtia Saga: Larthur's Legend (アースティアサーガ ラーサーレジェンド)? Earthtia Saga: Larthur's Legend (アースティアサーガ ラーサーレジェンド) This game is related to the OVA series of 'Lord of Lords - Ryu Knight' (as opposed to either the manga or TV series), complementing the story. This is a Mac-exclusive version, although a separate Windows version also exists. Download Earthtia Saga: Larthur's Legend (アースティアサーガ ラーサーレジェンド) for Mac
(301.88 MiB / 316.54 MB)
/ Zipped Architecture
System Requirements From Mac OS 7.0 up to Mac OS 9.2 Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver |