Age of Empires III

Shared by: MR
On: 2020-09-11 11:38:30
Updated by: MR
On: 2024-11-17 13:59:33
Other contributors: that-ben , Amid , Thisawesomecola
Rating: 9.00 Clarus out of 10 (8 votes)
Rate it: 12345678910

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  • Front Cover 
  • Back Cover 

What is Age of Empires III?

Age of Empires III is the third installment in the series of real-time strategy games. The main idea of the gameplay remains unchanged: with the limited amount of resources and a handful of settlers, you must think about the expansion of your colony. Besides the strong economic thread, you should also think about the development of your army. Like in the previous games your people start in an early part of humanity's history and progress to new ages (up to the industrial age) with better weapons and other possibilities.

The game offers you a complex single-player campaign that is divided into 24 missions and three acts. You take the role of Morgan Black and his family which struggle against a mysterious European cult. You can also challenge yourself in the multiplayer mode where you can command one of the eight European powers (from French to Russian). A new addition to the game mechanics is the home city in Europe which regularly sends supplies or military reinforcements. It is persistent and after multiplayer successes you gain the ability to upgrade it through a tech tree.

 - (MobyGames)

See also: Age of EmpiresAge of Empires II: Gold Edition

Download Age of Empires III for Mac

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Learn how to combine file parts into a complete, usable, archive.

(905.99 MiB / 950 MB)
.Toast image (Part 1/2)
2295 / 2020-09-11 / 2023-12-29 / 8e91033b8eb2c642610f1e0fef206a86159403a1 / /
(650.16 MiB / 681.74 MB)
.Toast image (Part 2/2)
1296 / 2020-09-11 / 2023-12-29 / 366e68cca1f3014e0a461ef0bb08397b18ee4268 / /
(17.42 MiB / 18.27 MB)
Update to version 1.0.6 / Zipped
684 / 2020-09-11 / 2023-12-29 / 64f56beaaace722249d2d2749b30de48e7b02e08 / /
(46.88 MiB / 49.16 MB)
Quick Reference document / Zipped
236 / 2020-09-11 / 2023-12-29 / 6dd49036229d55623b9b70e901ea87d848d76c07 / /
(610.89 MiB / 640.56 MB)
The WarChiefs - Expansion Pack (2007) / CDR image, zipped
294 / 2020-09-11 / 2023-12-29 / 9625da699a8e6c651c10cca05a3b10847da20d1a / /
(610.48 MiB / 640.14 MB)
The WarChiefs for Snow Leopard and above / Zipped
226 / 2020-09-11 / 2023-12-29 / b90a04633e73d85964db7e9c92064ffd83d1f2ff / /
(16.53 MiB / 17.33 MB)
The WarChiefs updater to version 1.0.3 / Zipped
268 / 2020-09-11 / 2023-12-29 / d5b5430379eadcc7e3f8cbeb4d1b065acc43d633 / /
(11.14 MiB / 11.68 MB)
Manual install of Age of Empires III - The, already updated / Zipped
157 / 2020-09-11 / 2023-12-29 / bef1cdba1fc317c3bbcd0e2975076e81ffdeee48 / /
(623.76 MiB / 654.06 MB)
The Asian Dynasties - Expansion Pack (2008) / DMG image
410 / 2020-09-11 / 2023-12-29 / 7aa6b83fdac508156461bcc25dc4acb8758a32d4 / /
(9.99 MiB / 10.47 MB)
The Asian Dynasties updater to version 1.0.1 / Zipped
259 / 2020-09-11 / 2023-12-29 / 83172eb392a70b5b5194a7cfc13a1b5cb2249f2b / /
(419.64 MiB / 440.03 MB)
Trial version of the base game / Zipped
32 / 2023-12-08 / 2023-12-29 / 0370bbc12f8fad13fe25ee31fac620ee36fa6e10 / /
(16.84 MiB / 17.66 MB)
/ Zipped
3 / 2024-11-17 / f55dfd645be43889750b33e8d763a9f55fbfcccc / /
(15.69 MiB / 16.46 MB)
/ Zipped
2 / 2024-11-17 / b00b9546352489bd1b8bbedb48cd5ccb0d4d11b6 / /
(15.69 MiB / 16.45 MB)
/ Zipped
4 / 2024-11-17 / 62c9eeda0da4f58ed4523cca26f9bf5667ed417c / /


OSX Universal Binary

System Requirements

From Mac OS 10.3 up to Mac OS 10.14

Compatibility notes

PowerPC or Intel x64 (1.2GHz or faster)
At least 512MB of RAM
Mac OS X 10.3.9 (10.5.6 for v1.0.6) - 10.14
A 3D graphics card with at least 64MB of VRAM on it

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