Rockett's Camp Adventures

Shared by: MR
On: 2020-09-11 19:01:07
Updated by: Pollypocket1992
On: 2024-07-28 11:34:55
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (1 vote)
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What is Rockett's Camp Adventures?

My inner child is squeeling! Rockett's Camp Adventures includes a main character named Rockett Navaro and her personal summer camp experience. Much of the game is actually an animated storybook, allowing us as players to choose with pathway Rocket takes. As Rockett packs her essential belongings for the trip, travels to Camp Luna, and meets the other kids that she will be spending some time with, conflict and drama ensue which is when our decision making come into play. Some of the decision making include thinking about which poster to pack and hang up in our cabin, what book to bring, and which photo to pack in the limited space afforded by Rockett's luggage. Similarly, there are critical junctures in the story where the the player is given the opportunity to side with either the "snobs" in the game or the "average kids".

Some activites we do in camp:

  • Canoe Race: Rockett and a teammate must navigate a canoe from point A to point B on the river while dodging obstacles (such as submarines, octopuses, and whales). Aim for the fastest time, and play different courses!
  • Friendship Bracelets: Customize your own friendship bead bracelet in this arts & crafts activities. This was my favorite part as a kid!
  • DJ Mix Maker: Choose from among several bass lines, drum beats, keyboard riffs, guitar licks, and sounds effects to create your own song.
  • Crystal Caverns: Solve a series of puzzles in order to successfully navigate through the cave and find your friend.

Have fun :)

Download Rockett's Camp Adventures for Mac

(361.94 MiB / 379.52 MB)
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Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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