
Shared by: MR
On: 2020-09-11 14:48:02
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-11-04 18:09:19
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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(There's no video for Gravitass yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)


What is Gravitass?

- a 3d Driving/Rescue game by Ben Mitchell. Copyright 2002 -


  • flying high velocity jet cars through twisty, windy tunnel complexes
  • saving innocent (and sometimes grateful) people from certain death
  • riding the blast wave of gigantic, unstoppable fireballs
  • collecting unwary, tall, pin-headed humanoids for research purposes
  • abusing pneumatic tyres by excessive and inappropriate use of the handbrake
  • cheating demons of the very souls they hunger for
  • attaining mastery over the gravitational joys of the electrobungie
  • travelleing back and forth through time like some inter-dimensional ping-pong ball

...all sounds like good fun, then Gravitass might just be the game for you!

Registration code (also included in the download): "virtuoso literati revile unknowable gastronomes"

Download Gravitass for Mac

(4.51 MiB / 4.73 MB)
Version 1.10 / compressed w/ Stuffit
35 / 2020-09-11 / 2023-11-04 / e05e1bfd32859e6ebd789c8e4dd13d5dfab3ed60 / /



System Requirements

From Mac OS 9.0 up to Mac OS 10.4

Compatibility notes

  • Power Mac (266 MHz G3 or faster recommended)
  • Mac OS 9 or X
  • A 3D accelerator is required
  • CarbonLib v1.5 or later (Mac OS 9 only)
  • DrawSprocketLib (Mac OS 9 only)

Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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