Rockett's Adventure Maker

Author: Purple Moon
Type: Games
Category: Creative
Shared by: MR
On: 2020-09-11 12:47:46
Updated by: InkBlot
On: 2023-05-06 15:57:46
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What is Rockett's Adventure Maker?

I you find children’s interactive software either passive or limiting, you should take a look at Purple Moon’s new addition to the Rockett series, Rockett’s Adventure Maker. This entertainment title, which is geared toward girls, combines characters, role-playing, and creativity in the context of Rockett’s school, Whistling Pines Junior High.

In this story-building title, you become a character and join Rockett and friends in adventures you create. From the main menu, you navigate between the Yearbook (where characters are stored), Make a Friend (where you design new characters), and New Adventure (where you create a story).

You create adventures using the given characters or design your own. Designing characters is very easy. Select body type, skin tone, hairstyles, and clothing styles. Then create an adventure from suggested storyboards or select a plan to build your own. For example, you can use school scenery or abstract backgrounds. You can even position and resize characters, as well as give them dialogue or new attitudes. Props are available, too. When you’re done, print your adventure as a complete comic strip, or choose Save As Snapshot to save it as a JPEG for emailing or posting to a Web page.

Rockett’s Adventure Maker lets girls be totally creative. Once they master short storyboards, they can combine different ones to make longer, complex adventures. We definitely recommend this.

Ho, Jennifer. (January 1999). Kids' Stuff. MacAddict. (pg. 74).

Download Rockett's Adventure Maker for Mac

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System Requirements

From Mac OS 7.1

Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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