PC MacLAN for Windows

Type: Misc
Category: For Windows
Shared by: MR
On: 2014-06-26 12:34:07
Updated by: that-ben
On: 2022-06-22 17:57:20
Other contributors: tonylost
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (1 vote)
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  • AppleTalk on Windows 
  • PC MacLAN for Windows NT/2K/XP 

What is PC MacLAN for Windows?

Use this powerful application to connect Windows based PCs with Macintosh computers to make file sharing and printing tasks easier

Computers evolve every day in all of their aspects. From design to performance, there's always room for development and changes for the better. The two main players are the Windows-based PCs and the MAC computers. Linking them can be a real challenge, let alone sharing files and even printers between them. The solution may come in the form of a cross-platform application that can facilitate the process.

Connecting two different operating systems

PC MACLAN brings the weapons to fight against the boundaries imposed by both Microsoft and Apple when it comes to their operating systems' compatibility. Whether you want to simply share files within a network consisting of PCs and MACs or set advanced print servers, this program will strive to get the results you need in the least possible time.

Simple interface makes it easy to use

The Windows version of the software will only work on PCs running the NT, 2K and XP platform and that may come as a major setback. It is actually a suite of specialized components for every single operation. These comprise of PC MACLAN File Server, AppleTalk Network, GatorPro and Print Server. They all come with simple interface that will relieve you of any fuss and prolonged configuration time.

Suitable for setting up sharing tasks

PC MACLAN also provides beginners with a guiding wizard to quickly and easily get the job done. This makes the whole process of configuration a breeze for everyone. The suite does not require special laser printers, it will work perfectly with any given inkjet printer too. The File Server is the tool to set user access and file sharing. It can also perform backups of system files and configure server information and file extension mapping. Anything you need to get your files forth and back multiple PCs and MACs is here.

Easily manage connected printers

The AppleTalk Network component will require an AppleTalk server to be already set up and will provide the means to communicate in a multiple OS environment. The various zones and devices of your network can be managed within the GatorPro component with printer query features. Printers will be easily shared by creating spoolers from the Print Server component.

In conclusion

To sum it up, PC MACLAN does not hide anything from the eye of the user. It is friendly and you can rely on it to get you from no-share to all-share. What may have looked like being a tough nut to crack is now possible within just a few clicks. File and printer sharing between PCs and MACs is not a problem anymore.

Download PC MacLAN for Windows

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Compatibility notes

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