Drop Point: Alaska
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On: 2015-08-14 15:24:13
On: 2024-03-18 09:32:11
(There's no video for Drop Point: Alaska yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
This game is an open snowboarding sandbox in which the player travels down the slopes of Alaska. The player is dropped off a helicopter in a selected area, and while they have the freedom to move about as they please they will also want to take on some of the challenges, as completing enough of these will unlock new drop off locations, snow boards, and an alternative costume for their character.
When taking on a challenge the player must try to beat it by exceeding another rider’s accomplishments, which they view as a replay when they start the challenge. If the challenge is called Stick a Trick, their goal is to mimic the replay and then throw in one more additional stunt. If the challenge is called Trick or Die however the player must mimic the stunt but hold onto it longer than the previous rider.
- (MobyGames)
(434.26 MiB / 455.36 MB)
/ DMG image
16 / 2015-08-14 / 455af78ad61dc389bc994315ff825adfa3aea4ca /
Intel x86-64
System Requirements
From Mac OS 10.4
up to Mac OS 10.14
Compatibility notes
Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU
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