Apple WWDC 2000 Conference Sessions
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On: 2015-08-14 01:23:19
On: 2018-08-19 09:44:24
(There's no video for Apple WWDC 2000 Conference Sessions yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
Please contribute to MR: Fill in Apple WWDC 2000 Conference Sessions description now!
(3395.7 MiB / 3560.65 MB)
/ CDR image, zipped
26 / 2015-08-14 / 17605f5be38a3e4f743a96e19a8b8ce0406060c5 /
(3168.43 MiB / 3322.34 MB)
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14 / 2016-08-14 / db78e8e0076d7d238ed5bf5969f29a8f1708f9fe /
(3331.74 MiB / 3493.58 MB)
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16 / 2016-08-14 / 6deeba37eaa501025da931a581c1a1b17e3090fe /
(3317.15 MiB / 3478.28 MB)
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15 / 2016-08-14 / 6d2d497254bac8ae5c63cb12015233351c5daddb /
(1654.64 MiB / 1735.02 MB)
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14 / 2016-08-14 / 64f13d686efb94dee55935d96eaa43cad5da2cd4 /
Compatibility notes
Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver
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