InformINIT 8.1

Shared by: MR
On: 2014-07-14 00:02:49
Updated by: EkriirkE
On: 2019-07-04 11:52:33
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What is InformINIT 8.1?

InformINIT has several purposes:

  •  To help users maintain the cleanest, leanest and newest System software possible.
  •  To satisfy curiosity as to what each and every control panel/extension/etc. is and does.
  •  To help Mac users prune their system folders of unnecessary extensions, control panels, etc., in the interests of both RAM consumption and compatibility issues.
  •  To provide information on the MacOS and System software to help users get to know their Macs better.

 The contents of InformINIT relating to specific files include descriptions, version numbers, RAM usage figures, incompatibility notes, and a few "secret gems" of info that may surprise you. If there is something listed in InformINIT that isn't on your own computer, it may be because it really doesn't belong there. Or it may be because the item was released later than your version of the system software, in which case you can find it online and install it. You may also see some items on your own computer that according to InformINIT aren't needed any longer. That could be because you have moved files and systems from earlier Macs and/or PowerMacs and haven't been very systematic about transferring stuff from the older system folder to the new one. Or it could be because the Apple software installers often aren't very good about not installing things that aren't needed. Regardless of the circumstances, InformINIT will help you figure out what should (and shouldn't) be there.

The information in InformINIT has been gathered from many different sources: Apple Tech Notes, manuals (imagine that...), ResEdit, various books, members of the Macintosh community (too numerous to mention), and lots and lots of research time.



TL;DR This is just a glossary program, saved texts

Download InformINIT 8.1

(371.64 KiB / 380.56 KB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
17 / 2014-07-14 / cd4ff836181189594e17621ae7e55ead34856301 / /


Motorola 68K

Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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