ACTION GoMac 2.1.1
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On: 2014-04-14 23:08:26
On: 2023-02-23 18:26:49
(There's no video for ACTION GoMac 2.1.1 yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
GoMac places a taskbar at the bottom of your screen, letting you navigate between active applications and launch other applications. It closely imitates the look of the Windows95 taskbar and adds a couple of other features such as a sticky menus option and keyboard switcher and an option to hide other programs when switching between programs.
Ranked the top Macintosh download in 1998. ACTION GoMac offers: program launching, keyboard application switching, drag and drop file opening, Quick Info on all running programs, internet bookmarking, a perpetual popup calendar, layer management, and a nifty QuickLaunch™ feature that lets you instantly add items by dragging them onto the task bar.
Power On Software, Inc. (1999). ACTION GoMac 2.0.3.
(972.67 KiB / 996.01 KB)
GoMac v2.1.1 (2001) / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
206 / 2014-04-14 / 2025-01-08 / a2b3e40cc765e8ff28b2c25e1701870fc3af157e /
68K + PPC (FAT)
System Requirements
From Mac OS 7.6
up to Mac OS 9.2
Compatibility notes
Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver
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