PC MacLAN 9.0 for Windows NT/2K/XP (English, German, French, Japanese)

Shared by: MR
On: 2015-08-13 15:22:22
Updated by: InkBlot
On: 2023-09-01 22:18:14
Other contributors: Amid
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (1 vote)
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What is PC MacLAN 9.0 for Windows NT/2K/XP (English, German, French, Japanese)?

PC MACLAN 9.0 for Windows NT/2K/XP is the newest, and fastest, version of Miramar Systems' award-winning PC MACLAN family of products. This document includes important details about the product.

Additionally you will find three exciting software utilities. Two file renaming utilities: PC Migrator, a PC-based tool; and AKA, a Macintosh-based tool that automatically adds the proper file extensions and removes any "illegal" characters. You will also find MacOpener(tm) by DataViz, the leading solution for opening, renaming, and formatting any Mac media (i.e. floppy, Jaz, Zip or CD-ROM) on your PC.

Download PC MacLAN 9.0 for Windows NT/2K/XP (English, German, French, Japanese)

(129.21 MiB / 135.48 MB)
/ ISO image, zipped
150 / 2015-08-13 / ccc72c09d4f9a457c74bec6f5d0debe364fe8bcf / /


Other/Non-Mac architecture

Compatibility notes

Install on Windows NT/2K/XP.
AFP connections to Macs running AppleShare 3.0 and newer (System 7 and up, maybe even 6 with updated AppleShare).

Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU

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