IBM XL C/C++ Advanced Edition 6.0 for Mac OS X

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Publisher: IBM Corporation
Category: Development Tools
Shared by: MR
On: 2015-11-14 20:51:02
Updated by: InkBlot
On: 2023-07-08 16:08:32
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What is IBM XL C/C++ Advanced Edition 6.0 for Mac OS X?

XL C/C++ Advanced Edition Version 6.0 for Mac OS X is an optimizing, standards-based, command-line compiler for the Mac OS X operating system, running on PowerPC hardware with the PowerPC architecture. XL C/C++ for Mac OS X uses the Mac OS X, GNU C, and GNU C++ header files and the GNU C and C++ run-time libraries to produce code that is binary compatible with that produced with the GNU compiler, gcc Version 3.3. Portions of an application can be built with XL C/C++ for Mac OS X and combined with portions built with gcc to produce an application that behaves as if it had been built solely with gcc. To ensure that the proper versions of headers and run-time libraries are present on the system, the gcc 3.3 compiler must be installed before installing XL C/C++ Advanced Edition Version 6.0 for Mac OS X. 

The compiler enables application developers to create and maintain optimized 32-bit applications for the Mac OS X platform. The compiler brings to the Mac OS X platform the flexibility, features, and refinements that evolved from its releases for the AIX operating system and the Linux platform. The compiler accommodates a wide range of program subtleties, often without requiring significant amounts of rework. These advantages are now available to Macintosh application developers because of the underlying UNIX operating system of the Mac OS X platform. With the addition of language extensions to support the Motorola AltiVec Programming Interface and the Apple Velocity Engine, the compiler offers a diversified portfolio of optimization techniques tailored for the PowerPC 970 architecture. 

XL C/C++ Advanced Edition Version 6.0 for Mac OS X can be used for large, complex, and computationally intensive programs. It supports interlanguage calls with XL Fortran. For applications that require SIMD (single-instruction, multiple data) parallel processing, performance improvements can be achieved through traditional optimization techniques, which may be less labor-intensive than vector programming. Many of the optimizations developed by IBM are controlled by compiler options, pragmas, or compiler invocation mode.

IBM Corporation. (2003). Getting Started with XL C/C++ for Mac OS X. (pg. 1).

Download IBM XL C/C++ Advanced Edition 6.0 for Mac OS X for Mac

(47.46 MiB / 49.77 MB)
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System Requirements

From Mac OS 10.2

Compatibility notes

Minimum Requirements

  • PowerPC G4 processor
  • Mac OS X 10.2
  • 150 MB hard drive available
  • For Mac OS X 10.2
    • Mac OS X Developer Tools with gcc 3.3 update
  • For Mac OS X 10.3
    • Xcode Tools 1.0

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