
Author: Apple
Publisher: Apple
Type: System
Shared by: MR
On: 2015-08-13 13:48:18
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-12-08 14:17:16
Other contributors: InkBlot , that-ben , ChunkyPanda
Rating: 7.50 Clarus out of 10 (6 votes)
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What is CarbonLib?

CarbonLib is a library required to launch carbon-based apps (OSX native/ready) under classic Mac OS (8.1 to 9.2.2) which accounts for lots of near year 2000 software, especially titles released both for Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X at the same time.

Carbonized apps back then allowed newer software to run under Mac OS 9, which better allowed people to slowly transition from Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X, since most of their OSX software would still work under Mac OS 9.


Download CarbonLib for Mac

(1.63 MiB / 1.71 MB)
Version 1.6.1 (2003-09) English / compressed w/ Stuffit
565 / 2017-11-25 / 2023-12-08 / 8a80248cb9acd2b26a3c7cf7af5dbde56b96fa3e / /
(24.54 MiB / 25.74 MB)
Version 1.6.1 in All 15 languages / compressed w/ Stuffit
116 / 2017-11-25 / 2023-12-08 / a565533e4c40a1a0c1bcc673dc1ef1e4962b2363 / /
(40.35 MiB / 42.31 MB)
Version 1.6 in All 15 languages / compressed w/ Stuffit
33 / 2018-09-14 / 2023-12-08 / 42aa39e3ae5425da375cc04556369036d37cb917 / /
(3 MiB / 3.14 MB)
CarbonLib v1.6 (2002-06) English /install DiskCopy image / Binary encoded, use Stuffit Expander
1845 / 2019-01-25 / 2023-12-08 / ff4fae765abb663570fe72b66a0ecead08e78b1e / /
(3.01 MiB / 3.15 MB)
CarbonLib v1.6 (DUTCH) install DiskCopy image / Binary encoded, use Stuffit Expander
53 / 2015-08-13 / 2023-12-08 / 2318ca2ddef74525cad6b77a78c2b4836400f022 / /
(3.01 MiB / 3.15 MB)
CarbonLib v1.6 (SPANISH) install DiskCopy image / Binary encoded, use Stuffit Expander
79 / 2015-08-13 / 2023-12-08 / 25db621628e9f1f36a9f7072492c035d25036238 / /
(3.01 MiB / 3.15 MB)
CarbonLib v1.6 (FRENCH) install DiskCopy image / Binary encoded, use Stuffit Expander
109 / 2015-08-13 / 2023-12-08 / 4bf076f1a493b345756e23b888a0d94bd3f12297 / /
(14.23 MiB / 14.92 MB)
CarbonLib v1.6 SDK install DiskCopy image / DiskCopy image, binary encoded, use Stuffit Expander
124 / 2015-08-13 / 2023-12-08 / 2ac9acbe9fb1888e7159810550e6d165f3527574 / /
(2.58 MiB / 2.71 MB)
Version 1.5 (2001-12) / compressed w/ Stuffit
59 / 2017-11-25 / 2023-12-08 / ee19b7add8a1433e654a5e384bc1d0010274a97d / /
(2.89 MiB / 3.03 MB)
Version 1.5 (2001-12) / Binary encoded, use Stuffit Expander
12 / 2023-01-07 / 2023-12-08 / 28cd24dc58100b40909c1ead623506622291d915 / /
(2.9 MiB / 3.04 MB)
Version 1.4 (2001-07) / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
42 / 2017-11-25 / 2023-12-08 / da4e862c66797752a4e6c36b77c2acae8706c47a / /
(2.85 MiB / 2.99 MB)
Version 1.3.1 (2001-04) / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
31 / 2017-11-25 / 2023-12-08 / d94a36715d879a33005f1397b7a39acc544945ed / /
(2.64 MiB / 2.77 MB)
Version 1.2.5 (2001-02) / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
26 / 2017-11-25 / 2023-12-08 / a6a30a1b4dc9a1cc5de3ed40fd6bd1dbcd18383f / /
(2.65 MiB / 2.78 MB)
Version 1.2 (2000-12) / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
35 / 2017-11-25 / 2023-12-08 / 17b5bc895df5ebb278d843830393d6308ddbc4fa / /
(1.4 MiB / 1.47 MB)
Version 1.0.4 (2000-04) / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
104 / 2017-11-25 / 2023-12-08 / cf4a869f196c7fb94618e721feb4078533984e31 / /
(37.66 MiB / 39.49 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
34 / 2017-11-25 / 2023-12-08 / 5bff765df98ede639faef6f999e26ea0fbc898db / /



System Requirements

From Mac OS 8.1 up to Mac OS 9.2

Compatibility notes

Architecture: PPC

Mac OS 8.1 - Mac OS 9.2.2

v1.6 requires Mac OS 8.6


Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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