A/UX (Apple UNIX for 68k) version 3.0.1 + 3.1 update

Author: Apple
Type: System
Shared by: MR
On: 2014-04-22 09:59:22
Updated by: Amid
On: 2024-01-05 23:14:08
Other contributors: that-ben
Rating: 8.20 Clarus out of 10 (5 votes)
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What is A/UX (Apple UNIX for 68k) version 3.0.1 + 3.1 update?

A/UX is Apple Inc.'s implementation of the Unix operating system for some of their Apple Macintosh computers, the latest versions running on the Mac II, Quadra and Centris series of machines. A/UX was first released in 1988, with the final version (3.1.1) released in 1995. A/UX requires a Motorola 680x0 Mac with an floating-point unit (FPU) and a paged memory management unit (PMMU).

The system is based on System V.2.2 with features of V.3 and V.4 and BSD 4.2 and 4.3. It is POSIX and System V Interface Definition (SVID) compliant.

A/UX 3.x has Macintosh System 7.0.1 running on top of it, so the user is virtually using a normal Macintosh, with the familiar Finder graphical user interface and applications. An X Window System server application or a terminal program may be used to interface with the underlying Unix-system. Alternatively the user may choose to run a full X11R4 session, without the Finder.

By including a compatibility layer, A/UX could run Macintosh System 7 applications, Unix applications, and "hybrid" applications. A hybrid application could be Macintosh application which called Unix system functions, or a Unix application which called Macintosh Toolbox (e.g. QuickDraw) functions. The compatibility layer used some existing Toolbox functions in the computer's ROM, while other function calls were translated into native Unix system calls.

Unfortunately for A/UX fans, the Unix niche was a costly business in the early 1990s. A/UX was never ported to PowerPC Macintoshes, and Apple all but abandoned it by 1996. As Steve Jobs returned to Apple later on, the future of Mac OS would end up truer to NeXTSTEP than to the old Mac or traditional Unix.

 - (Apple Wiki)

Download A/UX (Apple UNIX for 68k) version 3.0.1 + 3.1 update for Mac

(1.41 MiB / 1.48 MB)
Boot disk for AUX 3.0.1 / Binary encoded, use Stuffit Expander
663 / 2014-04-22 / 2024-01-05 / 625240422f18250f838d9f43626c6e861833b65d / /
(111.99 MiB / 117.43 MB)
CD installation image for AUX 3.0.1 / Zipped
591 / 2014-04-22 / 2024-01-05 / 25aaab013db84a9fae09ee0c59ad3bbc3e8b3ff4 / /
(13.91 MiB / 14.58 MB)
AUX 3.1 Updater / ISO image, zipped
219 / 2015-08-13 / 2024-01-05 / 689ad26e444cac40c672e686b5b9a99b81641f38 / /
(56.99 MiB / 59.76 MB)
Ready-to-use 1GB image; Simply extract and use in Shoebill, a A/UX emulator / Zipped
433 / 2015-08-13 / 2024-01-05 / ace74ddc4bec1fbe1e3f9fecf17c427260a5ce7e / /
(109.6 MiB / 114.92 MB)
/ Zipped
442 / 2014-04-22 / 2024-01-05 / 6a4d0cf49b8183f26934293d4252263fa5adae64 / /


Motorola 68K

Compatibility notes

Use Shoebill to emulate this if you do not own a real Macintosh II.

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