Personal Backup
Shared by:
On: 2015-11-14 20:51:07
On: 2023-05-06 20:31:41
(There's no video for Personal Backup yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
Version 2.0.1
Name: Any
Serial number: 78940-597284-700862
(3.9 MiB / 4.09 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
 105 /  2015-11-14 /  79094f87734e438c36e23ac52422e95817ef35a4 / 
(589.61 KiB / 603.76 KB)
Personal Backup v1.2.3 / compressed w/ Stuffit
 20 /  2017-11-05 /  2018-05-20 /  5195d40718434786f430252e0c44100926941e9a / 
(953.43 KiB / 976.31 KB)
/ BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
 8 /  2015-11-14 /  592abeb0e6f1cdb8f7b2104a2f75cd5e1cfe4b81 / 
(203.55 KiB / 208.44 KB)
Personal Backup v1.2.3 GERMAN / compressed w/ Stuffit
 10 /  2017-11-05 /  2018-05-20 /  855888884a451005a8369e0d5312fc2443d59f32 / 
(673.58 KiB / 689.75 KB)
Personal Backup v1.2.4 / compressed w/ Stuffit
 33 /  2017-11-05 /  2018-05-20 /  33fbd3a267eb8031348ef320c59b26eb60847695 / 
 68K + PPC (FAT)
System Requirements 
From Mac OS 7.0
up to Mac OS 9.2
Compatibility notes 
Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver
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