Disk 4 vol.1 (Pippin Navigator, Pippin Network, TV Works, Pippin Title CD-Rom Catalog)

What is Disk 4 vol.1 (Pippin Navigator, Pippin Network, TV Works, Pippin Title CD-Rom Catalog)? "Disk 4 vol.1" is a 4 CD bundle containing Pippin demos and software catalogs. Here are the 4 CD's in that bundle:
The catalog (4th CD) was released on March 28, 1996 by Bandai Digital Entertainment with the launch of the Pippin platform. The disc was bundled with each Pippin Atmark console sold in Japan. The disc contains an app that was authored with Macromedia Director and presents 85 Pippin titles that had been announced by Bandai at the time. Each listing includes a screenshot or sample video clip, but no interactive demos. Though not specifically identified as being Mac-compatible, the disc contents can be viewed on a Macintosh computer with Japanese WorldScript support. With the early demise of the platform on March 1, 1998, many of the listed titles never became available for Pippin consoles.
Download Disk 4 vol.1 (Pippin Navigator, Pippin Network, TV Works, Pippin Title CD-Rom Catalog)
(37.14 MiB / 38.94 MB)
CD 1/4: Pippin Navigator CD Ver 1.1 / BIN/CUE / Zipped
(168.87 MiB / 177.08 MB)
CD 2/4: Pippin Network CD Ver. 2.0 / BIN/CUE / Zipped
(59.35 MiB / 62.23 MB)
CD 3/4: TV Works Ver. 2.0 / BIN/CUE / Zipped
(177.64 MiB / 186.27 MB)
CD 4/4: Pippin Title CD-Rom Catalog Vol.1 / BIN/CUE / Zipped