REALbasic 5.x & 5.5.5

Category: Development Tools
Shared by: MR
On: 2014-04-14 23:10:06
Updated by: MR
On: 2023-01-07 18:08:04
Other contributors: that-ben
Rating: 9.00 Clarus out of 10 (3 votes)
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  • Splash screen 
  • REALbasic v5.5.5 / About window 
  • REALbasic 5 IDE running on Mac OS 9... 

What is REALbasic 5.x & 5.5.5?

REALbasic 5.0 was released in late 2002 and constitutes a major upgrade from previous RB releases by introducing Linux/x86.

Version 5.5.5 from 2005 was the last version to run natively in Mac OS 9 and the last to work in the SheepShaver emulator also and is overall an excellent last release for Classic, being very stable, with hundreds of bug fixes from 5.0.

It comes with hundreds of example projects that you can inspire yours from and it compiles to Mac OS 9, Mac OS X, Linux/x86 and Windows 98 or higher.  You can customize all the interface colors to your liking.  REALBasic 5.5.5 supports databases, OpenGL 3D surfaces, 2D canvases, QuickTime, OLE and Microsoft Office integration.  This version can also show programming tips in a small window while you work.

See also the same year: REALBasic 2005, dropping support for OS9, making it the first version for Mac OS X and Windows only


Download REALbasic 5.x & 5.5.5 for Mac

(154.91 MiB / 162.44 MB)
REALBasic v5.5.5 Pro with docs, tutorials, examples for Mac OS 9 and OSX / compressed w/ Stuffit
503 / 2015-04-22 / 2019-09-11 / f75d87c34851def72552a0eb588af9b3919f548f / /
(18.82 MiB / 19.74 MB)
REALBasic v5.5.5 Pro (app only) for Mac OS X / DMG image
311 / 2014-04-14 / 2019-09-11 / da2d1eeaee363046d79e17ae12ad51cfad035cc3 / /
(18.94 MiB / 19.86 MB)
REALBasic v5.5.3 Pro (app only) for Windows / Zipped
366 / 2015-04-22 / 2019-09-11 / 5c87c01a2ac97ef26a11598ab4561e8224ae4603 / /
(9.33 MiB / 9.79 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
33 / 2017-11-26 / 3b12aecb6f7fdc68397f3e0cf2d391d582df1eca / /
(9.31 MiB / 9.77 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
16 / 2017-11-26 / e92b652321f035738c7336d075ef3ae9e4e9f0cf / /
(8.32 MiB / 8.72 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
22 / 2017-11-26 / ae6c917a21eb2f641c7019ae7187b501c77d88a2 / /
(8.3 MiB / 8.71 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
13 / 2017-11-26 / 5b2afb305936fe079455bfc83bde743e0f31e002 / /
(16.79 MiB / 17.6 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
52 / 2017-11-26 / af5c9403e492c2732d8f09264222d651e2011a01 / /



System Requirements

From Mac OS 9.0 up to Mac OS 10.4

Compatibility notes

Architecture: PPC

At least 10MB of free RAM (recommended up to 70MB, depending on your project's complexity)

Mac OS 9.x - Mac OS X 10.4


Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU

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