Software recovery. Apple System Software - 1999.05. Disc 1 & 2. For Power Macintosh computers before G3_1999 (CD)

Publisher: Apple Inc.
Type: System
Shared by: Alex
On: 2018-04-14 06:26:38
Updated by: that-ben
On: 2018-08-23 20:26:19
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What is Software recovery. Apple System Software - 1999.05. Disc 1 & 2. For Power Macintosh computers before G3_1999 (CD)?

About the Apple Software Recovery CDs

Welcome to the Apple Software Recovery CDs, designed to provide you with a complete and efficient tool for disaster recovery, software installation, and maintenance.

This document provides an overview of the CDs and instructions on how to get the most out of them. Before installing any software from these CDs, please read this entire document and the included Contract and Software License Agreement.



Apple Software Recovery a four volume set

Apple Software Recovery is a four volume set. Apple offers many different programs and not all Apple Software Recovery CDs are included with every program. The Apple Legacy Software Recovery CD is designed as a reference release; it may be updated on a periodic basis, but will not be part of any regular CD mailing.


Apple Application Software Recovery CD

Contents: Most Apple-branded application software, such as AppleShare File Server, At Ease, and Language Kit software; all Apple peripheral software.

Start Up Capability: None; it is designed to install application software over an existing installation of System Software.

Requirements: System Software 7.0.1 or greater.



Apple System Software 1 Recovery CD

Contents: Apple System Software (Mac OS) for all PowerPC 601, 603, and 604 based Macintosh computers and all Macintosh computers with Apple PowerPC upgrades.

Start Up Capability: Mac OS 8.1 System Folder; supports all PowerPC 601, 603, and 604 based Macintosh computers and all Macintosh computers with Apple PowerPC upgrades.

Requirements: Any PowerPC 601, 603, or 604 based Macintosh computer or any Macintosh computer with an Apple PowerPC upgrade; 12MB of RAM; an Apple-branded internal or external CD-ROM drive required to start up from this CD.


Apple System Software 2 Recovery CD

• Contents: Apple System Software (Mac OS) for all PowerPC G3 based Macintosh computers (including iMac) released as of May, 1999.

Start Up Capability: Mac OS 8.6 System Folder; supports all PowerPC G3 based Macintosh computers (including iMac) introduced prior to May, 1999.

• Requirements: Any PowerPC G3-based Macintosh computer (including iMac) released as of May, 1999; 32MB of RAM; an Apple-branded internal or external CD-ROM drive required to start up from this CD.



Apple Legacy Software Recovery CD

• Contents: Apple System Software (Mac OS) for all 68000 to 68040 based Macintosh computers, all Apple-branded Newton software, all Apple-branded Apple II software, and all Apple-branded Lisa software.

Start Up Capability: Mac OS 7.6.1; supports most Macintosh systems with 68030 or 68040 processors; an Apple-branded internal or external CD-ROM drive required to start up from this CD.

• Requirements: Any 68000 to 68040 based Macintosh computer; 8MB of RAM; an Apple-branded internal or external CD-ROM drive required to start up from this CD.


Starting Up from the Apple Software Recovery CD

• All Recovery CDs require an Apple-branded internal or external CD-ROM drive to function as a startup device.

NOTE Macintosh computers that cannot start up from this or any CD due to design limitations are the Macintosh 128k, 512k, 512ke, Plus, SE, SE/30, II, IIx, IIcx, and LC.

• With this CD in the CD-ROM drive at startup, hold down the “c” key on the keyboard until you see “Welcome to Mac OS.” If you have difficulty with the “c” key startup feature, try holding down the Command, Option, Shift, and Delete keys until you see “Welcome to Mac OS.”

• You may find that your Macintosh boots from this CD without the need to hold down any keys. This is due to either your regular startup disk not spinning up fast enough from a “cold” boot or the Startup Disk control panel does not have a drive selected.


IMPORTANT The System Folder on each of the Recovery CDs has been especially prepared to function only when the CD is the startup device; it will not function if copied to your hard drive for use on your Macintosh.

IMPORTANT Some installations require the startup disk to be unlocked, regardless of which volume is the target for installation. If an installer fails, boot from an unlocked disk (not an Apple Recovery CD), and try the install again.


All Software in Disk Copy Disk Image Format

Disk Copy is Apple’s disk image utility. Complete instructions for Disk Copy are included on this CD.

All files have been packaged in disk image format. Double-click on the disk image to mount it on the desktop to access the files, or double-click the “Make Floppy” DiskScript to instruct Disk Copy to make a floppy for transporting to another system.

Disk Copy 6.1 or later requires the presence of the ObjectSupportLib and AppleScriptLib extensions on Power Macintosh computers. Make sure these files are present in the Extensions folder of the System Folder. Placing a copy of the ObjectSupportLib and AppleScriptLib extensions in the same folder as Disk Copy also resolves this issue. This is not an issue for Mac OS 8.5 and later.


Disk Image Net Installs

Disk Copy supports a file called a DiskScript. A DiskScript is a file containing a list of disk images to mount, and an application to launch when those disk images are mounted.

Each package on this CD includes a DiskScript named “Net Install” that will automatically mount any necessary disk images and launch the Installer in one step. When the install is finished, all disk images will automatically unmount.


Disk Image Net Installs have a number of advantages:

• Requires less disk space than a regular net install

• Fewer files to become lost or damaged

• Ability to verify integrity of software via checksums

• Maintains ability to easily create floppies if necessary


NOTE To speed up Disk Copy 6.1 or later, turn off the “Verify checksum” option in the Verification and Authentication section of the Preferences dialog. All of the images on this CD have been tested and verified, so unless you copy an image to another volume and are in doubt about its integrity, you should turn this option off.

When launching a DiskScript, you may see the message “Unknown OS error: -43.” This is due to Disk Image Mounter attempting to launch the DiskScript instead of DiskCopy. Simply remove Disk Image Mounter and replace it with Disk Copy 6.1 or later.

Many installations share common disk images. In all of these cases, we have used aliases in order to avoid any duplicate files. If you wish to copy an entire install from the CD, check to make sure you replace any aliases with the original images.

Some disk images are of volumes larger than the standard floppy disk sizes. In these cases, you will only be able to mount the image and install; you will not be able to make disks.

IMPORTANT These CDs rely heavily on the use of aliases in order to provide the cross-referenced organization and to eliminate redundant files. When copying information from this CD, check to ensure you have copied the original files and not the aliases.

Download Software recovery. Apple System Software - 1999.05. Disc 1 & 2. For Power Macintosh computers before G3_1999 (CD) for Mac

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Directory listing of the disk image. -Not required-
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Compatibility notes

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