Narabete! Tsukkute! Ugoku Block (ならべて! つくって! うごくブロック) (J)
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Year: 1996
(There's no video for Narabete! Tsukkute! Ugoku Block (ならべて! つくって! うごくブロック) (J) yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
What is Narabete! Tsukkute! Ugoku Block (ならべて! つくって! うごくブロック) (J)? An edutainment game about moving blocks around to make shapes, such as vehicles and buildings. Download Narabete! Tsukkute! Ugoku Block (ならべて! つくって! うごくブロック) (J)
(95.36 MiB / 99.99 MB)
/ Zipped
(92.59 MiB / 97.09 MB)
/ Zipped
Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver |