Lego Star Wars
What is Lego Star Wars? Lego Star Wars combine the mythology, characters and scenery of the legendary Star Wars movies with the popular building block toy. You can play through the entire story of Star Wars Episodes I, II and III using Lego toys. (Macworld) Info: you will need the original DVD to run this game. Download Lego Star Wars for Mac
This software's download files include parts.
(667.57 MiB / 700 MB)
(657.74 MiB / 689.69 MB)
(2.29 MiB / 2.4 MB)
/ Zipped
(234.2 MiB / 245.58 MB)
/ Zipped Architecture
System Requirements From Mac OS 10.3 up to Mac OS 10.6 Architecture: PPC (G4 or G5) At least 512MB of RAM Mac OS X 10.3.8 - Mac OSX 10.6.x A 3D graphics card with at least 32MB of VRAM on it (e.g. Radeon 9000 or better / Geforce FX 5200 or better)
Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU |