Apple Technology Seed 1996
On: 2018-01-26 05:51:05
On: 2018-04-05 17:23:14
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(635.74 MiB / 666.62 MB)
/ ISO image
6 / 2018-01-26 / efbe1eebc30055acf1fa6d2208e5180b22f55857 /
(635.42 MiB / 666.29 MB)
/ ISO image
4 / 2018-01-26 / 7d707ff2b2a7db1aae2dd10b652676cc26f587de /
(635.34 MiB / 666.21 MB)
/ ISO image
5 / 2018-01-26 / 08c74a6068722f1efbf29813fea80c596e8403db /
(635.34 MiB / 666.21 MB)
/ ISO image
6 / 2018-01-26 / 164ec5342f497060ff4500989275092efa9198a9 /
(635.34 MiB / 666.21 MB)
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4 / 2018-01-26 / 6053e479f60003c4e45f86faa743646fc0cd95ed /
(635.34 MiB / 666.21 MB)
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6 / 2018-01-26 / 818b450f82f725b2f807dc33bd1c1508154c5214 /
(635.35 MiB / 666.21 MB)
/ ISO image
8 / 2018-01-26 / 6043039d1339864d4bed58e75fed06e43e327410 /
Compatibility notes
Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II
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