Apple Service Source Companion 1994

Publisher: Apple Inc.
Shared by: Alex
On: 2017-12-18 17:07:21
Updated by: Alex
On: 2017-12-19 18:54:49
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What is Apple Service Source Companion 1994?

Portion of Read Me First whic is actually a MicroViewer Application document.

What's generally expected on these CDs?

The Service Source CD contains the following documents and folders:
- Service Source Startup (HyperCard document)
- Service Source Files (folder)
- System Stuff (folder)
- Disk Images (folder)
- Clips (folder)
- Viewer (folder)
- Apple TechStep (folder)
- AppleOrder (folder)
- Q-Stack TAC (folder)
- What's New.Archive (TeachText document)

Service Source Startup and Service Source Files contain everything required to operate Service Source.  To launch Service Source from the CD, open the Service Source Startup document.

System Stuff contains the Apple QuickTime extension file, the Apple CD-ROM driver, 32-bit Color Quickdraw, and TeachText.  Depending upon your system configuration, you may want to copy these documents to your System Folder (see "Installing QuickTime" below).

Disk Images contains a compressed version of HyperCard 2.1.  If you do not have HyperCard 2.0 or later, use DART to decompress and copy this program to your hard disk.  For complete instructions, see "Installing HyperCard 2.1" below.

The Clips folder contains QuickTime movies and animations that can be viewed from many of the product stacks.  The QuickTime movies demonstrate difficult repair procedures and locate hard-to-find components.  If the movie was saved as a Simple Player document, you can also view the movie directly from the Clips folder by using the QuickTime Simple Player application.

Viewer contains Inside Mac Viewer, a utility program used to display archived and international-only service information (see "Inside Mac Viewer" below).

The Apple TechStep folder contains release notes that provide late-breaking and critical information about TechStep tests.  Other documents within the folder provide helpful tips for using TechStep and help technicians avoid test mode entry problems. 

AppleOrder contains the AppleOrder application and an Installer for copying AppleOrder to your system.  Do NOT "drag-install" the AppleOrder programs to your hard drive.  If you are reinstalling AppleOrder software, use the Customize menu and be sure to select the proper software for the drive to which you are installing AppleOrder.

Q-Stack TAC contains a HyperCard stack that you can use to send technical questions to the Apple Technical Assistance Center.  Q-Stack is described below.

The What's New.Archive is a text file that archives the "What's New" section of previous releases of Service Source.  This information is organized by release date and product.

Download Apple Service Source Companion 1994 for Mac

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Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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