AppleShare Client 3.x

Shared by: MR
On: 2014-04-14 23:33:30
Updated by: MR
On: 2023-01-07 19:20:41
Other contributors: InkBlot , that-ben , yoch
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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Download AppleShare Client 3.x for Mac

(352.16 KiB / 360.61 KB)
System 7.0 - 7.6 / compressed w/ Stuffit
99 / 2014-04-14 / a6be67e5b1b41a0dfd72975e6ff0982bbf60e0b7 / /
(2.1 MiB / 2.21 MB)
Japanese / Binary encoded, use Stuffit Expander
9 / 2017-12-30 / 74541afa2e161dcef383c9836c56d62a56ec6aad / /
(4.89 MiB / 5.12 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
83 / 2018-09-15 / abf31d70d1f2f5edc71a48c4731468e52a22b400 / /
(5.59 MiB / 5.86 MB)
/ DiskCopy image, compressed w/ Stuffit
32 / 2018-09-15 / 6ae59f976ecc5358836d8c606b090b079a35b907 / /
(1.56 MiB / 1.63 MB)
AppleShare Client 3.8.8 / compressed w/ Stuffit
31 / 2020-04-18 / 0f723f5258bf33f2b72f1eb1cbe5b3a76d19dcd0 / /
(237.95 KiB / 243.66 KB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
10 / 2018-09-15 / 48151912e44b5cb7366974482fe8fda1e1ee1d8b / /
(238 KiB / 243.71 KB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
38 / 2018-09-15 / e6b12d6a97fe8914f25729569fb50c02e55f26bd / /
(3.41 MiB / 3.58 MB)
/ DiskCopy image
135 / 2015-08-13 / c768c04cf8f4ce38312074cd55b9d19f3e405983 / /
(772.43 KiB / 790.97 KB)
AppleShare Workstation 3.6.5 installer / Zipped
40 / 2015-08-13 / 2020-04-19 / d5650fb331824ab004be1f43030f343403275c7b / /
(3.41 MiB / 3.58 MB)
/ DiskCopy image, binary encoded, use Stuffit Expander
92 / 2017-11-24 / a86f091a8d4de41412c7ef6ec7f6d69723212ab8 / /
(4.88 MiB / 5.12 MB)
/ Zipped
25 / 2015-08-13 / b76ff9bc618f4f63a60f18dc806049118696e41a / /
(1.82 MiB / 1.91 MB)
/ Binary encoded, use Stuffit Expander
13 / 2023-01-07 / 6c4df878db243417ea82cd97ddfcb5a356607c3b / /


68K + PPC (FAT)

System Requirements

From Mac OS 7.5 up to Mac OS 9.2

Compatibility notes

Architecture: 68K + PPC (FAT)

Mac OS 7.x - Mac OS 9.2.2

The version of the AppleShare client software you use depends on the version of the system software you have installed on your computer:

· For Mac OS 7.5.1 or earlier, use AppleShare Workstation version 3.5.

· For Mac OS 7.5.1 up to (but not including) version 7.5.3, use AppleShare Workstation version 3.6.5.

· For Mac OS 7.5.3 up to (but not including) version 7.6, use AppleShare Client version 3.7.4.

· For Mac OS 7.6 up to (but not including) version 8.1, use AppleShare Client version 3.8.3.

· For Mac OS 8.1 up to (but not including) version 8.6,  use AppleShare Client version 3.8.6.
If you use startup mounting, you should use 3.8.3 instead.

· For Mac OS 8.6 and later, use AppleShare Client version 3.8.8.
If you use startup mounting and are not running Mac OS 9 or later, you should use 3.8.3 instead.


Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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