Microsoft Word 1.05

Shared by: MR
On: 2014-04-14 23:34:46
Updated by: InkBlot
On: 2023-01-21 15:56:04
Other contributors: that-ben
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (1 vote)
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What is Microsoft Word 1.05?

A word processing program that uses the mouse, windows, dialog boxes, and graphics to provide a wide range of text editing capabilities. The document window uses the standard Macintosh scroll bars, split bars, and size box. Moving or copying text and graphics is accomplished by standard Macintosh editing functions.

The program displays onscreen character formats (e.g. bold, underline, or italic) and character positioning. List boxes offer choices in font and type sizes. Character styles can also be selected from the keyboard, using the  (Command) key. Additional features allow searching to a page number, footnote placing and sequencing, customizing of style sheets, compiling of glossaries, automatic paragraph reformatting, and paragraph and page formatting.

McCandless, Janet (Ed.). (April 1984). Macware News. Macworld. (pg. 92).

Download Microsoft Word 1.05 for Mac

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Microsoft Word v1.05 / DSK image / Zipped
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Motorola 68K

System Requirements

From Mac OS 1.0 up to Mac OS 6.0

Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: Mini vMac

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