Microsoft Write 1.0

Shared by: that-ben
On: 2017-11-05 20:08:26
Updated by: InkBlot
On: 2023-01-15 14:22:33
Other contributors: supermaori
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What is Microsoft Write 1.0?

Microsoft Write is a simplified version of Microsoft Word without Word's style sheets, customized menus, glossaries, file linking, integrated outlining, automatic hyphenation, table-of-contents and index generation, mail merge, and page set-up. Most of these features don’t belong in a basic word processor anyway, but a few would help even the casual user prepare reports and letters. In fact. Write does not even offer simple outlining, nor does it provide minimal control over default style settings — two features that should be in all word processors.

McCandless, Janet. (May 1988). The Way to Word. Macworld. (pg. 177).

Download Microsoft Write 1.0 for Mac

(499.47 KiB / 511.46 KB)
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Motorola 68K

System Requirements

From Mac OS 1.0 up to Mac OS 7.6

Compatibility notes

  • 512 KB RAM

Emulating this? It could probably run under: Mini vMac

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