Arcane Arena
On: 2018-02-16 19:15:10
On: 2023-12-17 23:16:16
(There's no video for Arcane Arena yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
"You and your comrades enter the Arena. Across the way you see your five opponents. Their leader fires his bow at you but you both know the range is too far, and it skids harmlessly across the stone floor. You summon a Familiar which goes screaming across the battlefield until an energy bolt from their side destroys it. Following the plan, two of your teammates cast enchantments on you -- you feel stronger and faster. You take out your battle ax and nod to your remaining team mate. He nods back and unleashes almost all his mana, teleporting you directly into the enemy. You smile at the startled archer; too close to use his weapon, he barely has a chance to wet himself before your battle ax crashes down..."
Arcane Arena features a persistent world, massively multiplayer RPG style game. By utilizing a unique battle system in which individual speed characteristics effect the real-world rate at which they receive turns, battles capture both the adrenaline rush of real time games and the complex, tactical satisfaction of turn-based play.
Key Features
- Online persistant world
- Massively multiplayer battles
- Active timer turn-based battle system
- Dungeon quests
- Fun chat interface
- (
(29.79 MiB / 31.23 MB)
Version 1.0.2 (7/25/2002) Classic / compressed w/ Stuffit
36 / 2018-02-16 / 2023-12-17 / d4a718a1cffc947eee9a9f00edf5519cf4b98750 /
(41.74 MiB / 43.77 MB)
Version 1.0.6 (2003) Classic and OS X Native / compressed w/ Stuffit
2 / 2023-12-17 / 32885ee611bc15329a2f3846452212d57573b1b3 /
From Mac OS 8.1
up to Mac OS 10.5
Compatibility notes
Mac OS 8.1 (OS X Native) or later
30 Megabytes of Free RAM
60 Megabytes of Hard Disk Space
Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU
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