Mac OS 7.6.1 FRENCH pre-installed / DSK image for Basilisk II

Author: Apple
Type: Misc
Category: For Emulators
Shared by: that-ben
On: 2017-10-11 13:42:23
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-04-23 23:03:12
Rating: 8.00 Clarus out of 10 (2 votes)
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  • Mac OS 7.6.1 (68K) running in Baslisk II 

What is Mac OS 7.6.1 FRENCH pre-installed / DSK image for Basilisk II?

This is a fresh install of Mac OS 7.6.1 Français for 68K Macs and this DSK image can be used directly for booting up the Basilisk II emulator ;-)

In the downloads, there is also another Mac OS 7.6.1 Français DSK image, same version except for PPC architecture.  Altough it could theorically work in SheepShaver, it probably needs a special ROM to boot properly, or else it will complain it's not compatible with this particular Macintosh model.

The difference between the 68K and PPC images is primarily that the PPC version has support for QuickDraw 3D and OpenDoc, while the 68K version cannot support those 2 components, therefore they are not available on the 68K image.


Download Mac OS 7.6.1 FRENCH pre-installed / DSK image for Basilisk II

(43.24 MiB / 45.34 MB)
Mac OS 7.6.1 FR (68K) / DSK image for Basilisk II / Zipped
560 / 2017-10-11 / 2017-10-11 / 88d37b98188037097442a4578e872630397d436b / /
(35.11 MiB / 36.82 MB)
Mac OS 7.6.1 FR (PPC ONLY) / DSK image / Zipped
120 / 2017-10-11 / 44a337158f738280dd9b1d674c62df1fd1812f9a / /


68K + PPC (FAT)

Compatibility notes

Architecture: 68K + PPC (see downloads list)


Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II

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