MacOS Desktop Patterns/Pictures

Shared by: jpenguin
On: 2017-10-04 14:10:57
Updated by: Crystepsi
On: 2023-07-04 14:57:55
Other contributors: that-ben
Rating: 9.75 Clarus out of 10 (8 votes)
Rate it: 12345678910

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What is MacOS Desktop Patterns/Pictures?

Mac destop pictures/tiles from classic OS'S in PNG format for any modern OS

See also: Additional Mac OS desktop patterns and pictures


Download MacOS Desktop Patterns/Pictures

(167.29 KiB / 171.31 KB)
651 / 2017-10-04 / f65ee1b0ad77029b376f09d6a23882bde3c575fe / /
(391.98 KiB / 401.39 KB)
427 / 2017-10-04 / 7771125673d53145c855d724b376fa4d05b59136 / /
(3.02 MiB / 3.16 MB)
490 / 2017-10-04 / ee6e3ab08323a0fe3b2b374ffeff4a61a9cfbc33 / /
(16 MiB / 16.78 MB)
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163 / 2017-10-04 / de39f0e8697ddba0fc6d06e443a804945bfd52a8 / /
(16.06 MiB / 16.84 MB)
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85 / 2017-10-04 / 7f96c84d30be3a30af3d71d8709ad67a59cf1ee7 / /
(18.73 MiB / 19.64 MB)
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66 / 2017-10-04 / 97d8cf74ad292a05f7075ce1d43cfedbfcc7dcab / /
(19.81 MiB / 20.77 MB)
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59 / 2017-10-04 / c570214679d7e41199deab61ceb17c25d98cf78b / /
(32.5 MiB / 34.08 MB)
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74 / 2017-10-04 / 05069ac8b83372ff66d27e8ef64c6200c4a47772 / /
(86.54 MiB / 90.75 MB)
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49 / 2017-10-04 / c6b3eef1fd5c682e8639cd3ebaa1674baa5e57dd / /
(81.91 MiB / 85.89 MB)
/ Zipped
71 / 2017-10-04 / 59c0dc16688c3088c57897d23737146b552a9bd1 / /
(40.41 MiB / 42.37 MB)
/ Zipped
50 / 2017-10-04 / ed9429b1fb7e3a8226909e15acd41d4051455e1c / /
(3.78 MiB / 3.96 MB)
Unzip and enjoy! / Zipped
43 / 2023-07-04 / 1710f60303406cdfc44761b07a0065a976c865f4 / /
(89.79 MiB / 94.16 MB)
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47 / 2017-10-04 / 055b469736ccc8d7bfcf2632a85598139f0bc7f7 / /
(337.83 MiB / 354.24 MB)
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30 / 2017-10-04 / 1a8a5ef609becf6f308f9636a1973e040426e375 / /
(384.85 MiB / 403.54 MB)
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22 / 2017-10-04 / 44ffb12d5d15faf4f5a8137a4fb2bef9b20ca423 / /
(408.58 MiB / 428.43 MB)
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22 / 2017-10-04 / 4d25a65fd6ee074f288163053aeed1566a4961b4 / /
(456.67 MiB / 478.86 MB)
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26 / 2017-10-04 / e6dafb20591406b7967f1adb377e248d295867bc / /
(302.71 MiB / 317.42 MB)
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26 / 2017-10-04 / 2019-12-09 / 7788ca18274ef0db807c4b82da99d443404ba95c / /
(432.41 MiB / 453.42 MB)
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36 / 2017-11-19 / 2019-12-09 / a48d163aa4280abe7de1fc20a219a4122db2281b / /
(1002.29 MiB / 1050.97 MB)
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27 / 2018-09-15 / 34d80df764e9d0d519744415d6636585a6fbd8d2 / /
(7.75 MiB / 8.12 MB)
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59 / 2019-10-03 / 2019-12-09 / 0d79c3829a5b03bbe81ce0e27e8b28b7079d1ff0 / /
(2.39 MiB / 2.5 MB)
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38 / 2019-10-03 / 2019-12-09 / 5769764b47f55a9a0a8582a978d31a0e5e66438e / /
(10.74 MiB / 11.27 MB)
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40 / 2019-10-03 / 2019-12-09 / 9b3a164348d235fb96a80d6d503a0439637f81fe / /
(103.23 KiB / 105.71 KB)
/ Zipped
42 / 2019-10-03 / 82105970f246db280f3ef53280d77e2a04244252 / /
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/ Zipped
84 / 2019-10-03 / 2019-12-09 / d355289ad4c03d93e2b454f675a4c5203a620765 / /

Compatibility notes

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