Ikthusian arts icons 2/2 (junk drawer, LaLaLand, MacMania, Munderful, retroish, the_nondescrips, whatever)
On: 2017-09-10 09:16:26
On: 2017-09-10 09:20:07
(There's no video for Ikthusian arts icons 2/2 (junk drawer, LaLaLand, MacMania, Munderful, retroish, the_nondescrips, whatever) yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
What is Ikthusian arts icons 2/2 (junk drawer, LaLaLand, MacMania, Munderful, retroish, the_nondescrips, whatever)?
Ikthusian arts icons are sets made by Brian Brasher. See also: Ikthusian arts icons part 1/2
From the author:
Thanks for taking the time to download what I hope you find a fun, friendly, non-caloric, and environmentally-friendly set if icons. Sprinkle your desktop with them and see what happens. No ... please ... don't thank me for the tons of new friends and admirers you'll acquire.
Download Ikthusian arts icons 2/2 (junk drawer, LaLaLand, MacMania, Munderful, retroish, the_nondescrips, whatever)
(22.55 KiB / 23.09 KB)
junk_drawer icons / compressed w/ Stuffit
61 / 2017-09-10 / 04177434d9580301c3c035ea9347eb802baaa322 /
(46.99 KiB / 48.12 KB)
LaLaLand icons / compressed w/ Stuffit
43 / 2017-09-10 / e18a4262127fcf978455d85aeb3d01f6aded230d /
(39.89 KiB / 40.85 KB)
MacMania icons / compressed w/ Stuffit
29 / 2017-09-10 / 663389021f78239fed4d899aecaf384edb62f054 /
(35.74 KiB / 36.6 KB)
Munderful icons / compressed w/ Stuffit
25 / 2017-09-10 / 501bbfa7478c70846086e7f257399f1771c0a06e /
(42.52 KiB / 43.54 KB)
retroish icons / compressed w/ Stuffit
31 / 2017-09-10 / 517d6731ef687b28c70ce2c4b51139756488d513 /
(70.12 KiB / 71.8 KB)
the_nondescrips icons / compressed w/ Stuffit
25 / 2017-09-10 / c2c39e5c77d3b7506b468aa6a603a432390ed149 /
(46.36 KiB / 47.47 KB)
whatever icons / compressed w/ Stuffit
26 / 2017-09-10 / 703a67597cb59f6f549c919eb3c9e6adc65393fe /
Compatibility notes
Those are classic Mac OS icons.
Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver
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