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From the read me file:
AppleScript Icons
©1999 Rick Roe
Okay, I'll admit it. I'm an AppleScript nut. I've got scripts all over my system doing all sorts of things automagically. My credo is, "Why do something yourself when you can get the computer to do it for you?" (Yes, even when creating the script to do a task takes longer than doing the task itself. But then I'm prepared to do it again. I think.)
So Apple gave us Mac OS 8.5 with blazing-fast AppleScript that could do all these neat new things. and this new format for cool-looking icons. I put two and two together (no, I didn't need Script Editor for that task) and made a nice new set of AppleScript icons for you to paste on yor scripts and your Editor and what-have-you. Have fun scripting!
These icons are absolutely 100% free. Use them on your system, your webpages, your CD-ROM distribution, your refrigerator, wherever. Do not alter and re-distribute the set without including a reference to the original artist (me). If you like them, please let me know. If you really love them and feel compelled to do something about it, email me and I'll tell you where you can send a check. ; )
(47.84 KiB / 48.99 KB)
AppleScript Icons / compressed w/ Stuffit
52 / 2017-09-03 / 7ac319b3d83740922c8661934cd04601874412ab /
Compatibility notes
Those are classic Mac OS icons.
Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver
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