Vasava Fonts

Type: Misc
Category: Fonts
Shared by: that-ben
On: 2017-09-01 10:12:19
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-09-25 14:31:19
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
Rate it: 12345678910

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What is Vasava Fonts?

Vasava Fonts is an archive of freeware PostScript and Bitmap fonts for Mac OS from Vasava.  It includes the following fonts:

  • [Vasava] ADN
  • [Vasava] ADN 2.0
  • [Vasava] ALERGIA
  • [Vasava] Artheria
  • [Vasava] Bypass
  • [Vasava] Endorfina
  • [Vasava] neurona
  • [Vasava] Saliva
  • Birds
  • Chamaeleon
  • Dammned!Dingbats
  • EthnoFont
  • Fanatique Inline
  • VSV-Retina

This archive also includes Sneaker & Shoes Icons by Xavi pujol (2001)


Download Vasava Fonts

(1.56 MiB / 1.63 MB)
Vasava Fonts / compressed w/ Stuffit
41 / 2017-09-01 / 6311c3ed2988cd3e951e4d569222485c83438407 / /
(1.55 MiB / 1.63 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
30 / 2017-11-18 / 2023-09-25 / e0b4f4fb058093576d7aa2fe1674914486b31a2d / /

Compatibility notes

Those are PostScript and Bitmap fonts for classic Mac OS.


Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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