Found 5 software entries in Applications beginning with: "M" from category: Text based


MACGifscii (1994)
(Added on 2017-10-23 13:58:31)

MACGifscii takes a GIF picture and ouputs ASCII representing that picture.  You can change brightness, zoom in/out, define the resolution in columns/lines amount, etc... The resulting image is not that bad if you use a square, small enough...


MacShell (1996)
(Modified on 2023-04-18 20:39:50)

MacShell is a Unix-like command line interface for the Macintosh. Its interface is modeled loosely on the Unix C-shell. Versions of a set of Unix-style file management, content searching, and other assorted utilities are built-in. It also contains a...

MudWrestler v0.b7

MudWrestler v0.b7 (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-24 10:27:24)

MudWrestler is a MUD client that works on 68K and PPC Macs. FEATURES: Ticker You can set the Tick length and the alert time.  Currently, the only Alert action is a beep and hard-coded feature that makes you say "x seconds to...


MacDOS (1994)
(Modified on 2024-01-11 19:31:48)

MacDOS provides a Command Line interface for the Mac. It's main purpose is to let you manipulate large numbers of files and folders through scripts and wildcarding. It is like a very feature rich alternative to COMMAND.COM but runs on a...

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