Found 4 software entries
beginning with: "F"
from category: Firmware
Firmware Restoration CD 1.6
Firmware Restoration CD 1.7
This is a Intel Mac EFI Firmware Restoration CD version 1.7. It works with the following Macs for EFI recovery: iMac4,1, iMac4,2, iMac5,1, iMac5,2, iMac6,1, MacBook1,1, MacBookPro1,1, MacBookPro1,2, MacBookPro3,1, MacMini1,1 and...
Firmware restoration CD 1.3
Found on an old PowerBook G4 I bought, i have the 1.4 version of this same thing uploaded as well, again i think its for intel based mac minis, imacs etc from around 2007
Firmware restoration CD 1.4
Found this on an old PowerBook G4 i bought, i think its intended for Mac minis, iMacs and such circa 2007, i also have one .dmg file named similarly but 1.3 instead of 1.4 uploading after this
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