Found 22 software entries
beginning with: "G"
from category: Drivers & Hardware Support
Gravis GamePad Pro USB driver CD
Driver CD for Gravis GamePad Pro USB
Griffin gPort g4 software - G4Port
gPort software for mac os 9 and Mac os x 10.2 gport is a system addon for G3/G4 Powermacs that allows the user to add localtalk networking to the system. This software is meant to support the G4 version of the hardware.
Griffin PowerMate
The Giffin Powermate was a multi-purpose usb wheel produced by Griffin Technologies. The driver allows for customization of the functions via a PrefPane.
Game Sprockets 1.7.5
GameSprockets is a set of software applications that support several gaming features on your Macintosh. The GameSprockets software includes the following components: · DrawSprocket 1.7.5: Provides support for viewing game images, including...
Gemini SE iBook Software and Drivers
Software and Drivers for the Gemini SE iBook. .sit and .img are the same, just a different format, for your convenience. I harvested this off my working OS install. This is not the original install media.
Gimp-Print (Gutenprint)
A very high quality package of printer drivers for CUPS on Linux, Macintosh OS X, and other POSIX-compliant operating systems. This project also maintains an enhanced Print plug-in for GIMP 2.x from the same code base. In the fall of 2004, the...
Global Village PowerPort/V.32 Drivers
These are drivers for the PowerPort/V.32 modem.
GrandVimage Driver
Global Village TelePort 56K
GigaDesigns 7447A firmware
Giga Designs Firmware upgrade for Dual G4 7447A and others.
Game Sprockets 1.5 (older)
Game Sprockets 1.5 is an older set of extensions/drivers that support several gaming features on your Macintosh. The GameSprockets 1.5 software package includes the following components: - DrawSprocket 1.1.4 - InputSprocket 1.4 -...
This is a software hack for the Color Classic Mystic Upgrade It enables 512x384 resolution for a 68040 board
Global Village 56k/Ethernet PC Card Driver
Gravis Mac MouseStick II
This utility is used to increase performance of intel GMA graphics chip in Mac OS 10.5 and 10.6. It is a terminal application and requires Apple CHUD tools 4.6.
Gravis Mac GamePad
Griffin iMate Driver Software
GCC HyperDrive Software & Drivers
This is the software and drivers for the famous HyperDrive internal hard drive upgrade for the original Macintosh 128k, 512k, and Plus by General Computer Corporation.
GCC Technologies UltraDrive Diskette Set
G3Strip is a Control Strip Module to control the PowerPC750's back-side cache and display a range of CPU information. kykz's Software. (1999). READ ME. Electronic Document.
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