Found 22 software entries in System beginning with: "G" from category: Drivers & Hardware Support

Game Sprockets 1.7.5

Game Sprockets 1.7.5 (2000)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 16:40:15)

GameSprockets is a set of software applications that support several gaming features on your Macintosh. The GameSprockets software includes the following components: · DrawSprocket 1.7.5: Provides support for viewing game images, including...

Gimp-Print (Gutenprint)

Gimp-Print (Gutenprint) (2002)
(Modified on 2023-06-14 21:11:17)

A very high quality package of printer drivers for CUPS on Linux, Macintosh OS X, and other POSIX-compliant operating systems. This project also maintains an enhanced Print plug-in for GIMP 2.x from the same code base. In the fall of 2004, the...

Game Sprockets 1.5 (older)

Game Sprockets 1.5 (older) (1998)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 16:40:13)

Game Sprockets 1.5 is an older set of extensions/drivers that support several gaming features on your Macintosh. The GameSprockets 1.5 software package includes the following components: - DrawSprocket 1.1.4 - InputSprocket 1.4 -...


GMABoosterX (2009)
(Modified on 2019-11-01 08:26:26)

This utility is used to increase performance of intel GMA graphics chip in Mac OS 10.5 and 10.6.  It is a terminal application and requires Apple CHUD tools 4.6.


G3Strip (1998)
(Modified on 2023-09-19 12:05:00)

G3Strip is a Control Strip Module to control the PowerPC750's back-side cache and display a range of CPU information. kykz's Software. (1999). READ ME. Electronic Document.

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