Found 2 software entries in System beginning with: "S" from category: Theme


Surged! (2001)
(Modified on 2024-01-07 13:45:33)

About Surged! Surged! is Freeware by Adam Betts & Michael Rabe Made for Mac OS 8.5 and higher that changes the appearance of Your Mac.    How To Install the Surged! • Drag and Drop “Surged!” on to the...

ShapeShifter (OSX theming)

ShapeShifter (OSX theming) (2003)
(Modified on 2023-04-30 16:05:34)

ShapeShifter lets you change the overall appearance of your Mac OS X computer using themes, very much like Kaleidoscope did with earlier classic Mac OS versions.  It can change the look of windows, menus, apps, buttons, cursors and...

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