Found 5 software entries in System beginning with: "H" from category: Control Panels

Hidden Finder Features

Hidden Finder Features (1996)
(Modified on 2024-01-07 15:32:17)

This control panel performs the exactly same the same function as the "Secret Finder Features" extension , except that it is user-configurable. This control panel does not install any (conflict-inducing) patches or INITs, it simply...


hierDA (1988)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 17:48:20)

hierDA (aka DA Menus) is a Control Panel (cdev) that enables hierarchical submenus in the Apple menu akin to what was introduced in System 7.  It is meant to work only on System 4.1 through System 6. NOTE: The version 0.9984...


HearIt (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 17:48:40)

The HearIt Control Panel allows you to pick a "hot key", a key combination used to trigger HearIt.  The default is control-H.  Pick a hot key that is not likely to be used by any application you use.  For example, command-S...


HeapTool (1990)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 17:53:39)

HeapTool is a control panel device which lets you adjust the amount of memory that is allocated to the system heap when you start your Mac.  It is useful for users who experience frequent, seemingly random crashes under System 6. HeapTool is...

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