Found 3 software entries
beginning with: "R"
from category: Control Panels
RadiusWare - Displays 4.1, Accelerator 2.9, RadiusMath 1.5
RadiusWare disk image from 1990 including Radius Math 1.5, Radius Accelerators 2.9, and Radius Displays 4.1 with installers. Per the Readme file these versions are compatible with System 7 (accelerators need the right ROMs for this to work,...
Restart Controller
Restart Controller is a Macintosh utility to restart Macintosh computers automatically controlling if the conditions indicated by the user to restart are satisfied. In this way the computer can run unattended and restart itself when the prefixed...
Radius Powerview 1.1 Floppy. Contains Radiusware 2.02 and Scsiprobe 3.3
Radius Powerview version 1.1 Floppy Disk- 800k, kind : dd (double sided) hfs (file system). 640-0153-03 part number 825-0309 5/90
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