Found 52 software entries in System beginning with: "R"

Rikintosh's Mac OS ClassiX

Rikintosh's Mac OS ClassiX (2020)
(Modified on 2024-01-05 13:32:04)

After a lot of frustration trying to run Mac OS 9 natively on my PowerBook, I decided that the most viable way to run my classic games would be through the classic environment of Mac OS X 10.4. But for everything to work satisfactorily, it would...

RasterOps PhotoPro

RasterOps PhotoPro (1991)
(Modified on 2023-05-20 15:39:10)

RasterOps PhotoPro is a specialized card for accelerating Adobe Photoshop filters and JPEG compression/decompression. It makes use of a 33 MHz LR3300MC RISC processor. Information is difficult to find, probably due to the very specific use of the...

RadiusWare 2.2.2

RadiusWare 2.2.2 (1993)
(Modified on 2023-08-09 21:23:29)

These appear to be a set of Radius INITs and CDEVs associated with the "RadiusWare 2.2.2" release. Soft PrecisionColor 2.01 RadiusWare 2.2.1 Radius Resolutions 1.6.1 Soft Pivot Driver 2.0.1

Reanimator 2.0.7

Reanimator 2.0.7 (1997)
(Added on 2020-02-08 09:45:50)

Reanimator is a utility for automatically restarting all applications and background-only processes killed by another process. It can also be used to quit all running processes and restart them later. A process is a program running on your...

Radius video card Drivers

Radius video card Drivers (1992)
(Modified on 2023-12-24 11:51:48)   Radius PrecisionColor Pro 24X Radius PrecisionColor Pro XK Radius 8XJ RasterOps Paintboard Prism RasterOps Paintboard Turbo XL Supermac Spectrum Power 1152 Apple 24AC NuBus video card...

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