Found 25 software entries
beginning with: "T"
from category: Drivers & Hardware Support
TScript Deluxe
TScript Deluxe is a high resolution software raster image processor for top quality output and can be used as a PostScript interpreter for output devices that do not support such fonts. More details about TScript Deluxe on 68kMLA Wiki We are...
Twin Turbo Software 4.06
TDK LAK-CD031 PCMCIA LAN Ethernet Driver
Macintosh driver for TDK LAK-CD031 PCMCIA LAN Ethernet Cards
TabletWorks 5 for Calcomp DrawingSlate II
TDK LAN Card LAK-CD021XX MacOS Driver Compatible with LAK-CD021AX and LAK-CD021BX Cards The LAK-CD021xx Series is compatibel with Apple PowerBooks: 190, 1400, 2400, 3400, 5300
Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh - Includes system software and other programs
Truevision NuVista+ Setup
SetupUp 2.9 app NuVista+ Drivers 3.7 data file Used to configure high-end Truevision NuVista+ video boards, capable of outputting near-broadcast-quality video to tape in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
TekColor SuperMac SuperMatch
Colour profiles for SuperMac STD97x video cards
TelePort 56K Fax/Modem Software, GlobalFax
GlobalFax 2.6.8 Software will work with the following Global Village modems: - TelePort USB - TelePort 56K V.90 Internal for Blue &White G3 - TelePort 56K V.90 - TelePort 56K K56flex - TelePort 56K K56flex...
TV Setup 1.0.2
TV Setup is a control panel specifically for Macintosh TV systems. Problems switching to TV mode were reported after installing System 7.5. Version 1.0.2 of the TV Setup control panel corrects the problem. The enclosed file is a self-extracting...
Transoft SCSI Director
TelePort 33.6 Internet Edition Fax/Modem Software Version 1.01
ThunderScan 4.0
ThunderScan software for the scanner cartridge for the ImageWriter, ImageWriter II and Wide Carriage ImageWriter. Images may be scanned grayscale or black and white. The disk is single-sided 400k with System 3.2 / Finder 5.3
The Radius Accelerator
The Radius Accelerator series of accelerator boards were made for the Macintosh 512Ke, Plus, and SE. They were equipped with either a 16 MHz or 25 MHz MC68020 CPU with an optional MC68881 FPU, and 32 KB SRAM cache.
Total Systems Enterprise 030 Driver
Time Capsule 691-6486-A
Turbo Mouse Software 4.22
TheMouse2B 1.1
TheMouse2B is a Control Panel which makes the second button on a multi-button mouse act like a control-click (i.e. in the Finder it brings up the contextual menu). TheMouse2B allows you to configure the second button to act like a single-click,...
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