Found 35 software entries in System beginning with: "C" from category: Drivers & Hardware Support

Color Extensions SEED 1.0a6 + 1.0a7

Color Extensions SEED 1.0a6 + 1.0a7 (1989)
(Added on 2019-01-14 13:00:30)

Those are two alpha pre-release floppy disk images from spring of 1989 on which there are 32-bit QuickDraw files along with LaserWriter printing tools. First disk has Johnson Pollock 1.0d5 commented on various files under their get info...

Czech keyboard layout for OS 7-9

Czech keyboard layout for OS 7-9 (1991)
(Modified on 2023-06-09 17:13:15)

This file adds a Czech keyboard layout so that it is possible to type in Czech normally (for example, the numbers above the QWERTY line type 2-ě, 3-š, 4-č, etc.) The czech keyboard layout will be accessible in the right top corner of the...

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