Found 2 software entries in System beginning with: "I" from category: Networking

IPNetRouterX 1.6c2 (for PPC & Intel)

IPNetRouterX 1.6c2 (for PPC & Intel) (2011)
(Added on 2022-01-17 12:19:10)

IPNetRouterX is a powerful router, firewall, and network management utility including NAPT with inbound port mapping, a built-in DHCP Server, AirPort configuration tool, bandwidth accounting, and rate limiting. Using IPNetRouterX you can share a...

IPNetRouter PPC

IPNetRouter PPC (2002)
(Added on 2022-01-17 12:45:12)

IPNetRouter is a powerful utility for configuring TCP/IP networking under Macintosh Open Transport.  The features of IPNetRouter closely follow the underlying features of TCP/IP itself, providing almost unlimited flexibility for building TCP/IP...

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