Found 11 software entries
beginning with: "P"
from category: Utilities
Polonizator Mac OS 9 (3.x)
Polinizator translates all the menu items, system windows and general Mac OS 9.1.x or 9.2.x interface text to Polish and also installs the Central European fonts.
What is ParaDocks? Version 2.0 Paradocks is basically the reincarnation of the Classic application launcher found on OS. Paradocks creates a floating window containing the icons of all currently running applications, and allows you to...
PowerKey Pro 3.4
Allows config/setup of the PowerKey Pro 200 and 600 power bars, allowing for soft power startup and shutdown from software for a variety of Macs that don't support this natively. ADB required.
"PowerStrip" tracks the elapsed time of battery and AC-charging sessions. When tracking the battery session, the counter is NOT incremented during sleep states. When tracking AC charging sessions, it DOES increment during...
PrintChoice is a control panel for System 7 that easily allows you to quickly select a printer without using Apple's Chooser. It adds a menu in the menubar which lists your frequently used printers.
Procom SCSI Hard Disk Format Utility, Partition, and ProMount
SCSI Disk formatter and partitioner
A launcher similar to the power strip, adds a menubar icon as well
PLI Cartridge Tools
PLI Formatter 3.3 format cartridges DOS Transfer 2.3 read and write to DOS formatted cartridges RemvInit 3.3 allows your system to recognise Infiinnity drives even with no cartridge inserted
Patcher Tools
Patcher tools for "unsupported Macs" that allows you to install the system above 10.10 Yosemite.
Peek-a-Boo 2.x
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