Found 3 software entries in System beginning with: "X" from category: Utilities


XPostFacto (2003)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 17:34:30)

XPostFacto is an open source utility that enables the installation of PowerPC versions of Mac OS X up to Mac OS X Tiger and Darwin on some PowerPC-based Apple Macintosh systems that...


X-Assist (2003)
(Modified on 2023-12-24 13:37:55)

X-Assist was created to assist in the much loved but missing features of OS 9 in OSX. It creates an Application Switcher Menu (at the top right corner of screen). It gives the user the the ability to add personal hierarchies of items in an...


Xtools (2000)
(Modified on 2023-05-06 14:29:54)

Aqua X Window Server for Mac OS X Beta, the final product is slated to ship when Mac OS X ships in early 2001. Xtools is a full implementation of the X Windows system running on Mac OS X. Based on X11R6.4, Xtools inherits the clean, fast, stable,...

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